I love Guitar Hero good fun for all and makes an excellent party game but there are clones some good some bad.
Frets on fire or FOF is a Guitar Hero clone also a Rock band one this a fun game which you play on your computer using the F1 to F5 as the cord buttons and enter to strum you must hit the colours that are coming down the fret board. This is quite a fun game and I give is the MC33 stamp of approval
Game play :9
Graphics :7
Sound (depends on what quality the FOF song you downloaded is) :1 to 10
Over all :8
Pros: It dose what it says and is quite fun
Downs: It not so easy to add songs
the original FOF http://fretsonfire.sourceforge.net/
These are some of the best FOF expansion out (without needing FOF)
FoFiX: can be found at this site: http://code.google.com/p/fofix/
AC/DC GH: this was made by tcpacdc14 this is really well done download it form here: http://www.mediafire.com/?ryjoqmxmjei
How to add songs?
Go to the file you installed FOF in make a folder called "Songs" then get a FOF song (do a google search) and copy into the "Songs" folder you created.
How do I access my songs in the game?
When you open the game go to either solo or single player and it will as what folder are the songs in. If you saved it right you should see "Songs" in that front page and just arrow down to the folder name hit enter and it should say "Accept Folder" just hit enter and it should load up all the FOF song that are in that folder.
(if this is not good enough then ask me to make a video in the comments below)